Raw materials in different and constantly changing qualities - and yet a consistent product quality: For coffee and tea, solutions are needed that support processes with variable recipes.
proSystem PIE: Our special solution for labelling is an intelligent and flexible labelling workstation which integrates conventional labelling systems as printers if required and which can be combined with other systems such as industrial scales. The labelling is carried out in accordance with the EU food information regulation. Both neutral and customer price-based labelling is possible - including multilingualism and identification of allergens and nutritional values.
Wherever the integration of your processes into merchandise management systems is important, the function modules of proSystem ERP FOOD support you. The component solution based on our proSystem framework gives you all the freedom you need: It can be fully expanded to work as a complete ERP system, supplement the existing FIBU or interact with other integrated financial solutions such as SAP, CSS, JET or Datev. The advantage of our ERP modules lies in their industry-specific design and their process proximity, which has been proven in the daily operations of coffee and tea production.
In the production chain the modular process solutions of proSystem MES FOOD keep your processes together efficiently and situation-oriented. The core task of our MES solutions is to ensure quality and throughput even under variable conditions. The structures in the MES solution are especially adapted to SAP products and can be easily integrated via a standard interface (CP) using SAP-ALE.