The competitive pressure from the Internet will not abate in the coming years. It is therefore all the more important that stationary retail traders on the one hand reflect on their natural advantages and on the other hand actively penetrate the learned world of experience of online stores. After all, no customer will let himself be forced to decide for or against the online world - he expects the best of both worlds for himself.
For the retail trade, this means consistently pursuing the model of an omnichannel business model. It is not just a matter of maintaining a separate web shop in parallel, but of actively linking the store experience and e-commerce.
A shopping experience with a smooth transition between online and offline channels: this is almost a matter of course for consumers who are increasingly interested in the Internet. When researching offers, making selections or shopping directly - some customers prefer to visit the local branch, some prefer the online shop, but many also mix and match as required.
To ensure that no customers are lost to the competition, the networking of all sales channels must function perfectly. This is why syspro has developed solutions: Retail Analytics, Digital Shelf Extension or Click&Collect are just a few of the many solutions that make it possible to link all sales channels.