It is a good tradition at syspro to think beyond our business activities. That's why we make our everyday life as sustainable and fair as possible and support projects that make our society better. An overview:

More family friendliness in Berlin and an effective strengthening, especially of young families, are the goals of the Berliner Familienfreunde e.V. The focus is on young parents, for whom the adventure of family is often a special challenge. With support services and opportunities to meet at an early stage, the association creates strong social networks in the city and promotes a culture of interaction between the generations. syspro supports this work.
syspro actively supports this work. One example is the provision of air filters at the beginning of the Corona pandemic. This allowed parents and children to continue to meet in the protected environment of the family center and to use the various offers of the Berliner Familienfreunde e.V.
Or also on a somewhat larger scale, as in August 2021, through the campaign "#100 Voices against Child Poverty". Here, syspro bought a painting from the charity edition of the artist Christian Awe. The profits went directly to the Berliner Familienfreunde e.V. You can find more information here.
More about the Berliner Familienfreunde e.V. can be found here:

The Leichtathletikzentrum Soest (LAZ) is a well-established address in German athletics - among other things as organizer of the Soest pole vault festival, a qualifying tournament for major international championships. High jump youngsters from all over Germany traditionally measure themselves against each other in the school jumping competition and the Carlo Schaper memorial jump initiated by the LAZ. syspro supports both competitive sports as well as school and youth work.

As a fair trade pioneer, the Wuppertal company Gepa is committed to a better life in the agricultural supplier countries of the South. With respect for people and nature, Gepa has built up a wide range of food products based on fair trade and sustainable products such as tea, coffee, pastries, honey, chocolate and much more and runs its own fair trade shop. We purchase beverages and snacks from Gepa.